For anyone who was following my photos from my road trip in October, my apologies for not finishing the series.

As noted earlier, in October, I took a 10-day, almost 2,000-mile journey to North Carolina and back, stopping at several historical places on the way from and to Connecticut.   The last day took me from DC back to CT with stops at Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Trenton NJ where Washington crossed the Delaware during the Revolution, and Liberty State Park in NJ.


The Liberty Bell with Independence Hall in the background:

liberty bell

Forged in 1753:

liberty bell

The clapper:

liberty bell

In this room, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution were all signed:

independence hall

independence hall

The guide mentioned the only original item in the room was the chair (with, what was said by Benjamin Franklin, was a rising not setting sun) used by George Washington during the Constitutional Convention in the summer of 1787:

independence hall

Independence Hall:

independence hall

And since I was in Philadelphia, I had to stop for a cheesesteak!


My “America: F**k Yeah!” Road Trip: