While I was back home in Ohio over the holiday break, I had the privilege of attending a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert.   Although the concert was nearly three hours long, one word sums it up: wow.

As long as you’re a fan of their music, or of rock music in general, the show is massively enjoyable.   Their energetic takes on traditional Christmas music as well as their own compositions rocked the arena I saw them at.   So much energy and excitement flowed through the audience.

Just as good as their music was the light, laser, and pyrotechnic show they put on, all synced to the music.   The constant flashes, floodlights, and flames strongly complemented the music and performance and added to the energy produced by the musicians.

Much to my delight, they played my favorite piece of theirs, made my favorite in part by this video:


If you enjoy the music of the TSO and have the opportunity to attend a concert, I highly recommend attending.   You won’t be disappointed.